Sunday 12/4 from 1-3pm: Community Conversation about Survivor Support

Thank you for your support of survivors in our community! We had great turnout for our first meeting, close to 30 people came together to learn and share knowledge about survivor-centric models to hold perpetrators of assault accountable and keep people safe in our community. It was amazing to see so much energy dedicated to this very important work!

We are scheduling another meeting for December 4th, 1pm to 3pm, at the Minnehaha Free Space. Please rsvp using this link: to let us know how much food we should provide and if you’ll be needing childcare.

We’ve recently been talking with lots of different groups about supporting survivors of sexual assault. We’ve been hearing from the community a lot of interest in furthering and expanding these conversations.

Please take a few moments to complete this survey before the event: